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Financial Talks

Good day and welcome

Please note I am not an expert in the field of finance, I am an expert in conversations.

I will host the platform the bring those with financial knowledge closer to the general public and visa versa.


What is money and how does it work.

What is the financial industry

Is Money the root of all evil

What is money and how does it work -

Money is a value holder and nothing more.

An individual either creates a product or service and trades it for money with a willing trader.

Money is then used to trade for products and services the individual decides to consume.

To acquire more money all you need to do is offer more services or products to more clients.

What is the financial industry -

The financial industry involves all types of works that deals mainly in the exchange of money value.

For the general public these are the relevant categories in the industry with a short description.

We will go in deeper on each topic in later blogs.

Bank Market - Holds public funds. Facilitates payments between account holder and trader. Offer investment opportunities.

Stock Market - Companies selling ownership to the public. Facilitates the trade of ownership between individuals and or companies.

Forex Market - Trade of different currencies between countries.

Crypto Market - Currency with no third party involved. Main purpose is to exchange money value between individuals, without the government involved.

Consumer Market - Trade of consumer products and services between individuals and companies.

Is Money the root of all evil -

No. Money is just a thing we use to trade. We offer up our time and skills for a job. Either in a company or self employed. If you want things from people or companies, you need to create something of value and receive money in return.

Money becomes evil when

- people start putting the value of money before the trade that is about to made.

- either of the individuals first want to win the trade, instead of to offer a worthy trade.

- you as an individual puts your focus on how much others have, instead of looking for ways to make more. Quickest way to make more money, is to start spending less.

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