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Taco Radio on Cooking a Breakfast | Banana, Eggs, and the Cobus Vorster's special tamato salad.

Probably one of the things I am the worst at, is remembering to eat my breakfast.

But when I do, I always surprise myself. This Morning I had the weirdest craving ... drumroll ... grilled banana.

Never growing up did I think I will be that type of person who wants a warmed up fruit.

Then again I do enjoy tomatoes with almost anything.

If you are looking for the ingredients, good luck. I always wing it and I urge more people to start "winging it" in life.

There will be a basic description of how I dids it, but first I am just filling up some space on this article so it would seem like I have much to say.

Hot Tips

1) Never have your heat too high. Foods release different nutrients at different heat levels so it is not recommended to only eat raw. 

Maybe good for an experiment. I have heard for a spiritual experience it helps to eat raw vegan for 7 days. 

Cleanses your body and improves your thoughts.

Anyway, when foods gets over cooked too regularly your body misses lots of good healthy nutrients that are available in raw foods or gets released in not over cooked foods.

So next time make sure not to put your stove higher than needed to spare you heating time. 

Health is never a good compromise for efficiency. Always choose better for easier.

2) Bring some colour to your plate. 

Why, I can't really say with certainty. But it looks better, and if thinks look better everyone who sees it feels better. 

Also you are forced to think of new options every now and again, and a plate of M&Ms is only allowed once a month.

The more diverse your ingredients, the more sources of vitamins and minerals you access. The more v&m you access the less multi vitamin supplements you need. The less you need the more money you save.

It is always better to receive your nutrients and vitamins and minerals directly from a natural source. Like actual food

3) Do less when eating

One of the biggest sources of eating badly is rushing your eating time. People sleep as late as possible and then rush through their day, and mostly it is eating time that gets neglected.

Do not have a tv on or combine working and eating time. When you eat you need to focus on your foods. You will start feeling how your body reacts to the foods you eat, and you will know what foods are good for you and what foods your body dislikes.

Questions you can keep yourself busy with when eating.

What is it you are eating?

How was this food prepared?

How long will this 'fuel' last me till I need a refuel?

Could I get this food to be a cleaner fuel for my body?

4) Try new things.

All too often we get into a rut in life. Go to the same places, See the same people, Talk the same topics, and Sleep in the same bed.

I say that this, well not bad but not one that improves life, is where a rut starts, with always eating the same foods.

Your body does not receive new nutrients, thus your mind cannot think up new thoughts.

Mix up what you eat, how you eat, with who you eat, why you eat. Once a week buy an ingredient that you have never used, google basic introductions on how this food can be prepared, invite your neighbors for dinner, mix your fork and knife around. Anything will help your mind think of mew options or idees.

A new thing starts with the idea and then the first baby step.

5) Keep your body well fed

Human beings are creatures of habit and our subconscious appreciates consistency. Not to contradict my previous point, but just to bring in some balance.

Eat at regular intervals. Eat until your body had enough. Even if just one bite is left, do not force a full stomach. Break your meals up into as many portions as your work allows you to.

When we do not receive enough food, our body creates more fat from food in order to protect it agains starvation. When your body knows it is getting regular meals, efficient in volume and diversity, it will make sure it processes the food effectively.

Just trust me on these tips, I know a doctor.

6) Eat like your life depended on it

This topic should be pretty self explanatory.

The simplest option is normally the correct one.

7) Eat according to your metabolism

If your body takes long to digest your food, then you need to eat at the pace your body can effectively process the food. When someone claims they are overweight because of a health problem, then tell them "Oom Louis said that you are just a fat, a lazy, and an idiot. 

Your body does not adjust to your wants, you adjust to your body's needs".


Look at my ingredients as a guideline of what should be available in your kitchen and make your mix and match meals.

Tomatoe x 1

Banana x 1

Eggs x 2

Onion x 1/4

Parsley x some

Butter x a bit

Olive oil x less than you put on last time

Salt x enough

Pepper x 3 grinds per tomatoe half

Cinnamon x dash

Sugar x sprinkle

Vinegar x my secret


This will also be a short description as everyone do things differently and so should you.

Start with the ingredients that take the longest to cook. My order was onions and stems of leaves, banana and cinnamon sugar, then ended with my eggs. The salad is made in between.

The quicker the cooking time, the smaller the chopped onions should be. So I do mine roughly 15mm x 5mm x 2mm.

The stems of the parsley type leaves I chop up with the onions and sauté (butter and pan) them all together just after the onions start turning a bit brown.

This can be placed on your plate so long, and while you waited for the onions to be finished you can chop up your tomato into 1/8s, place them all skin to the bottom on your plate, dress it with a dash of olive oil and vinegar (directly in your plate, no extra preparation needed), and finish it off with a sprinkle of salt and pepper.

Then I place in my half cut up banana pieces, sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. No need to over do this. Just enough to heat up the banana and let the cinnamon sugar to form a small crust on the contact areas of the banana. Thin pieces of the banana will become very soft, while the thicker piece will be a bit more sturdy.

Place the banana next to your tomatoes and finish your eggs. I prefer soft easy over eggs, but if one yellow breaks its scrambled eggs for today.

Soft easy over eggs are made by starting with sunny side up, when your eggs are cooked half way from the bottom, with some white still liquid. Turn it over for half the time the first step took you and remove the eggs.

Place your eggs ontop of the onion mix and you are ready for Instagram.

This is my first post from my phone as I do the cooking. The app does not seem to allow me to remove pictures I do not want anymore but have already added.

So don't judge me on the pics just yet.

Hope you enjoyed my style and leave a comment and share to others who enjoy new ideas.

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